Creative Approaches For Home Modifications to Optimize Safety and Accessibility
111 Canfield Ave b10
Randolph, NJ 07869
Description: This CEU will educate the participant on a variety of home modifications, specialty products, DME, and customized construction projects to promote safe and accessible living environments for their patients. Home modifications allow patients to remain in the home they love even after a recent medical compromise. The course will review how a healthcare professional can analyze a patient’s ability and facilitate change in their home to assure an optimal, functional outcome. Many products and home improvement projects will be identified that when implemented, will reduce falls, provide access, promote independence, and prevent caregiver injuries. House structure from the framing aspect and available fasteners that help the home support the adaptations will be reviewed. This course will include an in-depth discussion regarding key components and specifications of home modification interventions including stairlifts, grab bars, stair rails, vertical platform lifts, elevated toilet seats, ceiling lift systems, etc. Evidence-based practice in the form of real-life examples of outcomes generated by the implantation of modifications will be presented in before and after pictorial format. Resources for project funding will be identified. This course is intended to expose healthcare professionals to the knowledge required to make recommendations for home modifications.