No Belly Left Behind Project
1205 N Church St
Moorestown, NJ 08057

We all know that #students #learn better when their bellies aren’t growling from hunger! #NoBellyLeftBehind provides #schools with backpacks of non-perishable foods to keep on hand and send home with a child who might not be eating enough at home. When all the bags are distributed… #TheUnforgottenHaven will supply more! This is an ongoing project to make sure all kids are properly fed so they are ready to learn!
#BrandywineLiving is proud to team up with
#TheUnforgottenHaven & help in their efforts.
Donations can be dropped off now through April 14th to the following communities:
Haddonfield | 856.429.5500 | 132 Warwick Road | Haddonfield, NJ
Moorestown Estates | 856.778.0600 | 1205 N. Church Street | Moorestown, NJ
Voorhees | 856.424.0004 | 311 Route 73 | Voorhees, NJ. #payitforward #donate #lifeisbeautiful #doit #getinmybelly