Understanding, Identifying and Addressing Fall Risks in Aging Adults Webinar
1405 NJ-18 #203
Old Bridge, NJ 08857
Because the risk of falls in adults increases with age, with up to 25% of those 65 and older experiencing a fall and up to 33% of adults 85 and older falling, it is important to learn about understanding, identifying and addressing fall risk in aging adults.
If you are interested in participating a free webinar on Wednesday, August 26 at 1:00 pm EDT to learn more about this topic, please click on the link below to register. The webinar will focus on:
–describing the risk factors for falls
–understanding care techniques to adopt to prevent falls
–identifying and removing obstructions that lead to falls in the home
–identifying which clients are at high risk of falling
If you have any questions or need any additional information, please call us at 732-967-0900.
Thank you and stay safe!